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That sweet spot between Work, Festivities, Holiday Joy..& symptoms!

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

It is the "test by fire" time of year for many of us as we navigate work pressure, festive commitments and still try and enjoy the holiday joys. But it is a little different when we have the zing of Perimenopause symptoms thrown on top!

Its a busy time of year so this blog will be concise, to the point and direct! There's only one thing I really want to do is bring home one message.

Here it is: How you experience your Peri+menopause symptoms in the holidays will totally depend on the decisions you make.

This is in relation regards to priorities, self care and how much stress you take on.

Remember, it will soon be the 'holidays', so QUIT STRESSING! Easier said than done?

Do you want a 5 point cheat sheet to help you get through the holiday period?

In this FREE DOWNLOAD CHEAT SHEET you will learn ways to prioritise yourself and important information about nutrition and binge eating.

If you are on the mailing list, then you would have got the free download in this weeks newsletter.

Print it out if at work and stick it to your fridge or wardrobe door at home!

I speak from experience when I say, it is not the same as it used to be.

  • Working long hours.

  • Going to work/friends festive parties.

  • Binge eating and drinking.

  • Coming back to excited kids at home and staying up late.

  • Going shopping for presents at odd hours last minute stressing and shopping.

All of this was completely A-OKAY when your hormones were in good working order.

But in Perimenopause things are different. You have to slow down. Take the 'stress' element away from the whole experience.


With so many things to finish up at work, no wonder you are stressed.

Here I want to share the Yoga concept of 'Asteya' Non stealing.

Here Non stealing is not in its obvious sense of the word. When you are stressed and not working at your optimum level, you are not providing the best productivity to your work nor to yourself. Make sure you take 5 minute breaks. Benefits of a 5 minute break are so rewarding. If you are stuck in a problemm, a break gives you a fresh perspective. If you are feeling tired and stiff, moving around brings energy and better blood flow. This then helps with memory and brain function. It increases productivity and you also get a chance to walk around and talk to your colleagues (but remember not to stay too long coz you have to finish your work!)


Do you REALLY need it? this is the question you need to ask yourself, especially as we tend to discard so many things we receive. Can you adopt a minimalist approach? Can you support local? From a Yogic perspective, think about Aparigraha which means non-hoarding and also Santosha (contentment) Are you content with the gifts you already have in life? Can you buy just one or two things of better, longer lasting quality rather than last minute stuff.

It is different with little children especially because Santa wants to bring them so many things. But if you have children who are a bit older then making lists and grading presents as to what Santa 'HAS' to buy and what can be left until the birthday or the jan sales works.

Talking about sales, another thing you can do especially if you are running out of time is to do a beautiful hand made card and a smaller present like a chocolate or candle and add to it an IOU. Buy it during the sales in January.


Pick and choose your parties. Simple as that. Do you really have to go to each and every one?

Say NO to say YES to yourself.

If it is unavoidable, and you have to go to each one, then excuse yourself and come home to a hot chocolate and the sofa. Are you able to practice compassion towards self?


Enjoy all the things that bring you joy.

Dont steal joyous moments from yourself. You have had a big, long, hardworking year so it is good to eat and drink items that you really enjoy. Choose wisely. Choose moments with good friends and eat and drink without bringing guilt into it.

Make sure you have enough counter balancing food/water after you have had a big session of merriment.

It also helps if you carry your own water bottle and eat something healhty before you head to a party so that you are not tempted to eat more than you need to.

Make sure you exercise the next day to release toxins, get the blood flowing and connect with nature.



Take a break when you need it.

Treat yourself to a massage or a pedicure.

Sit in silence even if it is for 5 minutes

Practice Nadishodhana Pranayam, morning and night. Research has shown that slow breathing and the parasympathetic response of the Nervous system are intricately connected. Practicing pranayam every day helps to down regulate and balance the autonomic nervous system. It send signals to both hemispheres of the brain balancing out the calming and activating energies, reducing stress and anxiety.

Starting 13th December, I will share

11 d/11mns/11:00am self care

13th to 23rd December

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  4. FREE Download CHEAT SHEET

I hope that you become part of this because it will teach you simple yoga practices and ways to manage your gut, regulate your nervous system and get you started on your self care journey.

Not long now till you can relax and enjoy the fruits of what you have been working for.

love and light,


Lovely to e-meet you!

 I'm Purnima

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Learn about how the sacred and holistic practices of Yoga can help with Perimenopause.

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