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In this practice, we start with a gentle stretch to warm up the spine using stretches and twists.


Then move into the Gratitude practice using touch on certain key areas on the body to stimulate connection to self. 

In the practice I talk about having a healthy functioning body because being in Peri + menopause is just a normal part of life and not an illness though some days it might seem so. Setting this mindset and changing our attitude towards this natural feminine process helps with the experience itself. If you going through any other illness, it might be hard for you and the positive mindset is still known to help bring optimism. 

Practice sitting comfortably on a yoga mat or a chair/bed supported by a cushion. If on a mat, one tip would be to sit on a cushion or a rolled up blanket to elevate your hips higher than your knees. 

Tomorrow, Day 2 we practice more yoga and share the all encompassing benefits and practice Surya Namaskars, Sun salutations. 

Breathe and remember, you deserve some relaxation,

Purnima x


  1. A note pad/pen (optional) 

  2. Listen to your favourite song/music during or after to seal the practice. 

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